Indian Falls

Indian Falls

Next meeting is: October 6th, 2020.  All interested are invited to attend. Call 585-300-3140 for information 



  • The executive board meetings are held in the Library Lounge at the High School on posted Tuesdays at 6:00pm.

  • Everyone is welcome to attend and participate; students, parents, educators and interested community minded citizens.

  • The PHS Guidance Department hosted a "College Financial Aid Workshop" was held at the Pembroke High School Library 6:30pm  January 2012. It was sponsored by Corfu-Pembroke Chapter Dollars for Scholars and Genesee Community College Financial Aid Office. Everyone was welcome to attend and is not limited to GCC Prospective Students, parents, and educators. The group presented a slide talk and question/answer peroid followed.



Dollars for Scholars
Corfu-Pembroke Chapter
Post Office Box 72
Corfu, NY 14036